If you just created a Facebook Page for your business then you might be wondering how you can also have a great number of fans on your Facebook Page.
Well here is a simple process to do that.
But first You need to know that if your just looking to have a big number of fans beside your Page’s name and not looking for actual fans, then you can go ahead and buy fake Facebook fans from fiverr. Log into fiverr.com sign up and buy 1000 fans for 5$. But as I just mentioned those are only numbers and not actual fans so don’t expect to get any leads from those.
Now lets go over the simple process of collecting what your competitor has spent years building. Email Lists and Facebook Fans Database.
Step 1. You need to install Facebook Chef Lead. It’s a data-scraping tool. I attached a link to download the full version for free:
When the download is complete, click on FBLeadChef.exe and there it is!
Now this tool will connect to your Facebook Account, so for safety reasons I suggest creating a Fake FB account. Now a popup Log in page will appear:
Add your email and password, then you will be redirected to this: ………will receive the following info: your public profile, friend list, News Feed, groups and personal description and your friends’ groups. Allow and there you go!
Your ready to use Social Lead Chef for free!
Step 2. Now open the Facebook page you want to target and copy the Name of the Facebook page only and not the entire URL: https://www.facebook.com/PageName and then paste the Page Name in the FB tool. Make sure you marked pages and not groups or events. Note that you can target groups and events too. Now click Search. You will see the page name, about section, active users, total likes and other details. Click on Passionate members, then mark include Name and Emails. Click Extract and there you go an Excel sheet with IDs, Names and Emails!
Step 3. So now you need to create a new Excel sheet, paste only the IDs collected. Save the doc and this is your Custom Audience on Facebook, so instead of paying advertising to target everyone your only gonna be targeting those who for sure are interested! Now about the emails, you can notice that all emails end up with …@facebook.com which I can bet that no one has ever checked their Facebook email address. So emailing this list before was not a successful strategy but recently Facebook has edited its Email Settings, so now all you need to do is collecting all the @facebook.com email list from the excel sheet and send them your latest offer and discounts, make sure to include your facebook page URL. Your email will be forwarded by Facebook from the …@facebook.com emails to their Actual Personal Email that they use!
Post Update:
Install the following extension on Google chrome browser: FB UID Scraper
Now choose the page or group you would like to target, search for the page name example: Social Media Tag. You have multiple options to select, click on the icon of the extension and write the name of the page: Social Media Tag and click search.
A new page will open with a list of people who liked the page. Click show form on the top right, name the file and click “Add Queue” and download the csv file including the list of users and their UID. Save the list and upload it to facebook as custom audience to retarget later.
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