IE Venture Day Beirut showcased the latest in Edtech, Family businesses & innovation, Online & offline business challenges & a startup competition, with insights from Lebanon’s most distinguished speakers, leaders and influential entrepreneurs.
Karl Naim, The founder of ChefXChange addressed the challenges of building his startup team in Lebanon and the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Lebanon. The event also featured Roula Moussa, the founder of Netaways, who shared her journey to success. Nicolas Boukather, Chairman of ANB Holding & automotive called for closer collaboration between private sector investors, government and incubators to help youth come up with innovative solutions to challenges SMEs and family owned businesses face.
The event also showcased a selection of Lebanon’s hottest startups. The entrepreneurs gave a three-minute presentation in front of an excited audience and a jury.
Why should you attend events similar to IE venture day Beirut Lebanon? If you want to find your “Aha” Moment or if you want to take your business to the next level. You might as well turn some key insights into golden nugget. If you take away just “one thing” from an event that it’s worth the entire day!
Follow me on instagram if you are a student, entrepreneur or a freelancer in the digital industry and want to get access to all events and entrepreneurship competitions happening in Lebanon & the Arab region!